Offset Printing

James Printing’s pressroom is anchored by Komori and Heidelberg presses ranging in sheet size printing capabilities from 28”x 40” to 14” x 20”. Our workhorses are 20” x 28”, 5- and 6-color, fully-automated presses with inline aqueous coating. Our market niche is medium- and short-run projects that require fast turn-a-rounds and quality that is unsurpassed. Due to our mix of offset printing presses and management priorities, when you receive a production schedule from James Printing, you can take it to the bank.
Our closed loop color management system enables us to take digital information created in our pre-press department and automatically transmit it electronically to the appropriate press. Color profiles are sent as well and these automatically set our ink profiles. Throughout the run, we electronically scan your printed sheets with a photo spectrometer, which brings the ink fountains back into density as needed. All this means you will get very consistent color from start to finish on both sides of the sheet.
Bottom line: With our equipment, we can achieve color accuracy and consistency from the first piece to the last.